Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 1 Introduction To Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force placed on the inside of the arteries
by the blood as it passes through them. Another way to look at
is if we picture a water pump with a hose attached to it. The pump
sends water through the hose as a heart sends blood through the arteries.

If the hose narrows the pump must increase the force of the water sent
through the hose. Therefore it increases the pressure against the hose.
The same thing happens with the heart, arteries and blood.

If the arteries narrow the heart must increase the force of its pumping
action therefore increasing the pressure against the arteries. This leads
to high blood pressure.

Measuring Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is measured by a blood pressure cuff. I'm sure you are
familiar with this because your family doctor usually takes it during routine
check ups or physicals. The blood pressure cuff
consists of an air pump, a pressure gauge and a rubber cuff.

Blood pressure is measured in units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
The cuff is placed around the upper arm (above the elbow) and inflated
with an air pump to a pressure that blocks the flow of blood in the main
artery that travels through the arm. The arm is then straightened at the
side of the body at the level of the heart, and the pressure of the cuff on
the arm is gradually released.

As the pressure in the cuff decreases, a health care professional listens
with a stethoscope over the artery at the front of the elbow. The pressure
at which the health care professional hears a pulse first is the systolic pressure
(top number - heart pumping).

As more air is let out of the blood pressure cuff the pulses slowly fade
until they stop. This is the point of diastolic pressure (bottom number -
point in between heart beats)

Accurate Measurement of Blood Pressure

There are a few factors that may affect proper readings of blood pressure
It is important that the following things must be avoided one hour before
taking blood pressure:

  • Smoking
  • Exercising
  • Eating
  • Caffeine Intake

Your blood pressure needs to be taken several times with consistent high
readings before your family doctor will diagnose you with hypertension.

1 comment:

  1. For The use of natural remedies its not effects your more and more to take Medical please use only home remedies.

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